Owner – Property Management

Hogan Brooks Texas


About Hogan Brooks Texas

Hogan Brooks Texas, hails originally from the energetic heart of Houston but now embraces life in the peaceful town of Navasota, Texas. His journey from the urban landscape of Houston to the serene countryside is a narrative of diverse interests and notable achievements. He is the proud owner of a flourishing property management business, a venture that showcases his strategic insight and relentless perseverance. His educational path, beginning at Texas A&M and culminating in a degree from Sam Houston State University, has laid a robust groundwork for his success in competitive property management. In Texas’s corporate world, his name is a byword for excellence, a recognition earned through his adeptness in property management and his unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

From a young age, the vast expanses of the sky have held a deep fascination for him. Observing airplanes glide across the sky above his childhood home sparked a curiosity that grew into a passionate avocation, eventually leading him to become a volunteer pilot. Annually, he pilots over 200 missions for organizations such as Angel Flight and Veterans Airlift, driven by his love for aviation and a compelling urge to aid those in need.

His upbringing in an urban environment contrasts sharply with his profound affection for rural life, especially ranching. This interest is more than just a hobby; it’s a part of his life that imparts invaluable lessons and enriches his existence. His commitment to ranching reflects his dedication to hard work and persistence, essential traits for the successful upkeep of a ranch.

Hogan Brooks Texas headshot



Hogan Brooks Texas

Get In Touch With Hogan Brooks Texas


Navasota, TX